Mr. Pink is a perfect description of a car salesmen. I work at a dealership and i am around car salesmen all day. And I can tell you he fits the description like a glove. The slick back hair, the ability to make friends with every one and any one while using them to his advantage at some point. This sneaky snake like mentality and uses it for selfish and personal means and gains. Thats all besides the point though there is something that we quite dont know, a hidden feud, between Mr.Pink and Cloyd. Mr. Pink for some reason only likes to sell cars to black people. Why is this? because maybe he thinks he knows what they like, either which way Cloyd doesnt like it. He doesnt mind the fact that he sells cars but he does mind how it brings black people into the neighborhood. Cloyd is racist against black people, while Pink uses them to make his living.
Pink likes Sonny for the reason that he is "close" to Cloyd. So he decides to grease up some wheels and gives Sonny a "free" car. In return all Sonny has to do is tell Pink what ever he hears Cloyd talk about Mr. Pink. So Mr. pink is getting a spy inside Cloyds house. Sonny really likes the car how ever is not sure if he trusts what he is going to pay for it. Like Pink is tricking him into being confused about how much the car is.
"So we gotta deal right?"
"Maybe. I guess . I want to. What do I have to pay you?"
"Nothing right now, nothing. What I want is some thing else right now.
"Look, What I want is for you to talk to me when I need you too understand?"......
"all I need is you to listen for me is all. Be some wide-open ears. I'm speaking of your step dad. You know how your step daddy is, dont you? What i want is that. I got a question, you got an answer. We be partnered up, see? You inside knowing what's going on is all. Understand?"(139)
Pink doesnt want to talk about what he wants Sonny to do per say, and beats around the bush. But wants him to be his look out, his spy.
I predict what will happen with Sonny, Pink, Cloyd, and possibly Bud.
Sonny will tell pink what ever he hears between Cloyd and possibly Bud. In which some thing is going to tick off Pink enough to where a confrontation will happen between the two. Sonny will I think take Pinks side because he wants to hurt Cloyd. Sylvia will most likely try to get Sonny to stay out of it. He will eventually back out because of his mom. But to still get back at Cloyd, Sonny will steal the 1000 dollars. And then use it to pay the car to Pink. Then he will try to convince Nica to leave her house and run away with Sonny.
Things that I could also possibly see coming is a possible death of a main character, or Sonny moving again with his mom.
I was looking forward to reading how the rest of my classmates saw Pink and what their feelings are towards him. I agree with you that Pink is only in it to benefit himself and in the long run will take advantage of Sonny. I agree that their will be a conflict between all three Cloyd,Pink,and Sonny because of something that Sonny will mention to Pink and the only one I see getting hurt is Sonny. I'm not sure that he will run off with Nica though because I believe their both to young but, I do see Sonny getting hurt emotionally because of the feelings he has towards Nica especially because she is Mexican Cloyd is not going to like that. I also agree with you that Sonny will maybe soon move again with Silvia his mom because she is getting bored.