Saturday, February 19, 2011

Reading Habits

So I have notice this class moves kinda fast for my taste. Yet I have been able to keep up with the blogging and the reading thus far. I try to get all the reading I need to have done before class starts then reading again after class in the parking lot, because there are no prior engagements. How ever if I was to go home and try and read I will usually get distracted by some thing else and loose track. So I like to do my reading when the class is still fresh. Feeling like I can concentrate more when we are going to talk about the book and after when we have all ready talked about it.

I have done some thing new how ever in the book. Miss Knapp has told us to annotate our books because it will help us understand the text more. I have never annotated any text before in my life. When I bought the scarlet letter book, inside where little pink post-its from the last student who had the book. On the post-its there were annotations, questions, comments, and analysis. That gave me the idea to try that same form out on our books. So my entire flowers book is filled with pink and green post-its, I have one almost on every page or other page.
On it I write my thoughts, what I will think will happen, questions, comments and a brief overview of whats happening. It has greatly improved my knowledge of the book. As well has it made me more organized. And I can find things easier. I use different color post its for different things make them mean some thing as well. 

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